List and keywords about subjects handled in recent Gardener’s World shows – for my reference
missed 🙁
Monty: plants into the wildlife-garden (ground covers, geraniums), transplant hemp to a better place, making your own metal round plant support
Carol: Plant-series: Leaves
Joe: Visits Griff Rhys Jones’ Garden
Jobs: save self-seeded forget-me-nots, remove figs which won’t ripen, sow broad beans for next spring’s harvest
Monty: Apple harvest in the orchad (and cooking), oyster mushrooms growing next stage, harvest 1 melon, giant sunflower result, plant garlic for next year
Joe: Visit garden allotment (who make cidre, sparkling wine)
Carol: Plant-series “Wonder of seeds” – all about seeds
Jobs: hyacinths in pots, trim shrub roses in shape, cut back lavander
Monty: plant in the dry garden for next year, cut off tomato-plant-tops, sow turnips (navet), hedge trimming
Carol: plants combinations, prairie planting
James: Visits Bristol Zoo, growing food for animals
Jobs: sow salad crops for winter, pinch out growing tips of wallflowers, take cuttings from evergreen hedges
Monty: shape, prune rambling roses and other pruning white garden, planting in dry shade (cyclamen, geraniums), plant cabbages (kale, shard, brokoli)
Carol: Garden help 2015 #3 (new pond filling)
Visit: Sunflowers at Parham House
Jobs: prune summer-fruiting raspberries, Cut back campanules, Harvest peppers as soon as their ripe
Monty: Box-blight discussions at Long Meadow, grow some mushrooms and talks about fungi, keep birds out of the green-house, rose’s black spots
Rachel: Visits garden of Highclere Castle
James Wong: What about pollinators (native vs. exotic plants)
Jobs: Remove lower leaves of tomatoes, prune goose-berries and currants, sow parsley
Monty: Before vacation: dead head drastically, prepare pots before, plant and protect red cabbage, trim hedge, Nigel’s statue hedge
Carol: visits Losts gardens of of Heligan (25 years later)
Joe: visits Philip’s Garden and huge fruits
Jobs (before vacation): mow lawn, harvest, check on plant supports
Monty: dead-heading, comfrey-feed is ready (explanation of commercial feeds), clematis cuttings, plants summer-shade-flowering plants
Carol: visits botanic, tropical garden (Logan)
Jobs: Sow late dwarfs French beans, fix autumn raspberries, cut back thyme
Joe: visit candidates in Bristol for “Britain in bloom”
Monty: plant lavender (with drainage), lavender cuttings, visits Fellows’ Garden, Clare College (40 years later), vegetable garden review, Melons, snake eggs in compost, blight resistant tomatoes
Visit: Handicapped gardening – no problem if adapted to your situation
Jobs: cut back chives, chop down spent delphiniums, damp down your greenhouse floor
Monty: plants hydrangea, Japanese snowballs, harvest potatoes, not yet planting fennel (too few roots in pot), prune espaliers (back to a spur)
Carol: visits a “formal” garden “Wollerton Old Hall”
Adam: starting his terraced garden, gravel and compost to improve clay soil
Jobs: Comfrey feed preparation, salad seeding, prune flowers (roses)
Monty: Insect-friendly-plants around the wildlife pond (Salvia, Borage), Additions for the pond, meconopsis
Visit: Alpines, making a concrete pot,
Matthew Wilson: Himalaya garden visit
Jobs: Thin developing apples, harvest garlic, prune fan-shaped cherries and plums
Monty timming the edges of hedges, laying out lawn-turf, plant out chrysanthemum, praise yellow roses, harvest
Visit: Stuart Grindle’s lawn
Jobs: cut back hardy geraniums, sow kale and winter cabage, pull up biennial wallflowers
Adam Frost: looking for plants for terraced garden in clay soil
Monty: clean spring perennials, filling in summer flowers (dahlia, cosmos), hanging basket
Carol: simulated wild garden, naturalistic (Robinson’s garden)
Joe: Hanging baskets
Jobs: Prick out bi-annuals, thin out of grapes, cut back dahlias in containers
Monty: Big garden pot filling up (soil mix, and several plants), hot bed for melons (fresh horse manure), fungal problems on trees – cut out infected parts
Carol: Visits garden show, flower ideas, answers questions (Balkony)
Jobs: Stop strawberries from touching the ground with straw, support broad beans, plant out cannas and dahlias
Joe: show gardens
Monty: Bee swarm delivery, Giant Sunflower planting, praising Sweet rockets, plants out tomatoes (bush and cordon)
Visits: Windy Hill, Windermere, Cumbria (cultivated wood)
Carol: Visits a sloped “dry” garden
Jobs: plant out squash and courgettes, water young trees and shrubs, harvest rhubarb
Monty: Banana hardening, wine bunch pruning, potting on Cape primrose/streptocarpus, sowing bi-annuals: Wallflowers, fox-gloves, plant sea kale close to the pond
Visits: South Africa, Cape primrose/streptocarpus
Jobs: Plant out beans, tie in clematis, fresh new growth for cutting
Joe: hanging baskets (Japenese string gardens, kokedama)
Monty: Garden tour, plant white (Bishop’s weed), plant bee-attracting plants next to the pond, bee-home
Juliet: Visit Bethlehem Hospital
Joe: colorful hanging baskets
Jobs: potted Tulips transplanting, plant out sweet peas, harden (outdoor) tomatoes
Visits: Malvern Spring Festival
Jobs for the weekend: install supports for herbaceous, weeding (with a how), hardening
Monty: Pine bark mulching, Verbana bonariensis planting, plants Kniphofia, seeds sunflowers, climbing rose resurrection, enjoying the garden
Visits: South Africa, Kniphofia
Carol: Garden help 2015 #2? (transplant findings onto a herbaceous border)
Jobs for the weekend: remove daffodil’s seed-heads, sow bean-seeds, cut back oregani and sage-old-growth
Monty: plant Magnolia, sow pumpkin and courgette, prick out tomatoes, cut chrysanthemum to make side-shots, plant daylilys, rhubarb depotting
James: Visit Magnolia collection.
Visits: Daylily nursery
Jobs for the weekend: perennial weeds removing, cut back hortensia, prim roses separation
Monty: Wildlife pond planting (Forget me not, Iris (Yellow Flag)), Pea planting and sowing, Tree peony (Paeonia lutea), planting Peony below the apple trees
Visits: Water iris national collection (Rowden Gardens, Tavistock), a garden 150 yards from the sea
Jobs for the weekend: Grass sowing, Pinch back Sweat peas, Cut back dogwood
2015-04-03 (missed)
Monty: Wildlife pond construction finished
Monty: Hosta split and replant, Asparagus planting, Agapanthus in pots
Visits: Newtonairds Garden, Dumfries, Hostas collection; visit South Africa (Agapanthus)
Jobs for the weekend: Buddelja pruning, Salad plant out, Bean support building
Monty: Preparing bought chrysanthemum-cutting, clean a neglected part to make a wildlife-garden, pond preparation, blight-resistant tomatoes sowing
Visits: chrysanthemum-champion ‘Ivor Mace’, Visit plant lover who loves new plants
Joe: Town gardens #3 (awkward shape)
Jobs for the weekend: Prune roses, lift and divide snow drops, clear out the pond
Monty: Hellebores planting, Grass winter cleaning, mulching, Sweet peas sowing, Hedgehog saving
Carol: Garden help 2015 #1 (overgrown garden)
Visits: Hellebores breeding
Joe: Town gardens #2 (small garden, 5×22 meters)
Jobs for the weekend: Sow broad beans, Prune Clematis, Rhubarb bucket protection
Monty: Cutting back winter colored branches of shrubs, reduced hedges, prune apples, Pelargonium cut back, baked apples
Carol: Visits RHS Garden Wisly – winter displays
Joe: Town gardens #1 (contemporary rectangular garden)
Visits: South Africa
Jobs for the weekend: Pelargonium cuttings, Chit potatoes preparation, prune autumn raspberries